Friday, November 13, 2009

Thursday Assignments 1&2 11/5

a blessing in disguise-something that at first appears to be bad or unlucky but is actually good
go the extra mile-to make more effort than is expected of you
back to square one-returned to the beginning
close but no Cigar- "that's almost correct, but not quite"
Cup of Joe- Cup of Coffee

1) A Blessing in Disguise
     - She failed in her exam. But  it was  blessing in disguise. Because she study more hard as before.
     - Some people have bad character . Sometimes it was blessing in disguise 
2)  Back To Square One
      -If you have  some problem in your life . You must go nice way. Maybe you do wrong thing You back to square. Then you never forget it . 

Saturday, October 31, 2009

UNIT-5 Enjoy Reading (page 23,24)

Language Development

4. The use of various  adjectives makes stories more interesting. Read the list of adjectives and match them with the nouns as in the examples. You may use some adjectives more than once.

A. moonlit, rough,calm,moonless,stormy,dark,sunny,clear,cloudless 

1. cloudless, clear sky

2. moonlit, moonless night 

3. sunny, stormy day

4. rough, calm sea

B. snowy, steep, pebbly, noisy, crowed,high, narrow,expensive, empty,sandy,tree-covered

1. noisy, crowed street

2.crowed,noisy restaurant

3. pebbly, sandy beach

4.high, steep mountain 

5. Look at the pictures and say how each person feels. Then match the adjectives in the list with the pictures. When do you feel like this?

picture A. scared,terrified, frightened, trillled

picture B. angry,furious

picture C. glad,pleased,delighted

picture D. annoyed, sad,miserable,depressed

I feel scared when i saw big mouse

I feel angry when somebody don't respect my opinoin

I feel glad when i help somebody

I feel sad when i leave alone nobody and who can't help me for everything.

6. Read the sentences and match them with the adjectives below. (embarrassed,nervous,frightened, happy,angry,surprised,bored,miserable)

1. His knees were trembling; he thought he was going to faint.

    He was frightened

2. Ann sat  at her desk staring out of the window.

    She was bored

3. Everybody laughed at him and his face  went very red.

    He was embarrassed.

4. His eyes and mouth were wide open but he couldn't say anything.

    He was surprised.

5. Liz sat quietly in the corner  with her head in her hands sighing from time to time.

     She was miserable.

6. She started to shake as she went into the exam room.

    She was nervous.

7. The driver shook his first and started shouting.

    He was angry

8. Tim's eyes were shining and he ad a huge smile on his face.

    He was happy

Grammar in Use

7. Join the sentences below using while, when,and ,so, or as/because as in the examples.

1. The sun shining ans the birds were singing.

2. Bill was watching TV while his wife was getting dressed.

3.When I was having a bath. My doorbell rang.

4. I heard a noise in the garden. So I went to see what it was.

5. He went to bed early last night. Because he was very tired.

9. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Justify the use of the Past Continuous.

A. Paula was looking out of the window. I was being dark and wet outside. Big raindrops was run down the glass. Then she was seeing them and was gasping in horror. Two thin, white creatures was walking towards the window. Her hands  began to shake as she was realised that their eyes was stare right into hers.

B. It was raining heavily and the wind  was blowing. Sam was walking back home. It was being very late and and the streets  was being happy empty. Suddenly he heard footsteps behind him. They was getting closer and closer. Sam turn round ans seeing a slim woman in a dirty raincoat walking towards him.

C. Peter was working int he garden. He was digging a deep when he fond an old silver box. When he opened it , he was surprised to see an old map.

10. Now do the same with these sentences.

1. He was running fast and he was carrying a big box.

    He was running fast carrying a big bow.

2. They were standing at the edge of the cliff and they were admiring  the view.

     They were standing at the edge of the cliff admiring the view.

3.  Tim was watching TV and he was eating his supper.

      Tim was watching TV eating his supper.

11. Fill in the gaps with words from the list. Then underline the direct speech in  the paragraph.(crashing,sailing,enjoying,trying,blowing,sitting, making,talking, helping)

It was sunny afternoon David and his friend were siting along the coast enjoying the warm weather. A light breeze was blowing across the day. They all felt relaxed. Rich ans Tyler were making David sail the boat as the other were sailing talking about their plans for the summer holidays. Suddenly, the wind started blowing strongly and the sea became rough. Waves began crashing against the boat, helping everyone lose their balance. Dark clouds covered the sky. David was trying to lower the sails when Rick cried " Where's Tyler?"

13. Put the verbs in the brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous, then answer the questions.

It was a bitterly cold night. It was raining heavily. Sally was walking along the empty road and tears ran down her face. She reached street lamp and stopped there. She had nowhere to go to, no one to stay with nothing! She was soaked to the skin but this didn't seem to bother her. Suddenly she felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Surprised she turned around. In the pale yellow light she  saw stranger. He wore clothes as black as night., but his face was kind and calm

a. When ans where did the story take place?

    It was a bitterly cold night. The story took empty street place.

b. What was the weather  like?

    It was raining heavily

c. Who were the people involved and how did they feel?

   She felt a gentle tap  on her shoulder

d. Which sentences describe the senses?

    She was walking along the empty road and tears run down her face. 

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What freedom important for you

Of course everybody like freedom. People have to conform their  freedom. Because freedom is dangerous thing in your spirit. It is have wrong way and correct way. How you use freedom  its up to you. So you go your correct way. In my opinion i don't feel real freedom because i don't know real life( i live my parents together)My parents always tell  me its wrong! You have to don't do this..........etc so its really help for my problem. I always follow my parents advice. So their  always  respect my opinion which  thing i like they understand to me then which something happen they always assist. In the this time my freedom vassal for my parents. Which something happen they respect my decision its is really important freedom for me....

so When i become adult. I feel real freedom in my enterprise.  In my future life everything  concerned in freedom..... I hope its so cool and successful  ^_^

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How i go to the school

When I go to the school. First turning on the right then go straight as far as bus station. So i get on bus number 10 also 21. This bus go straight until as far as Central Temple and second turning on the left to Tengis Cenima. Finally I get off next to the Mongolian IT park then just  go straight my school NUM SECOND apaerment then go up second floor.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Discusion Answer №3

Balloon BOY( falcon)

If i were them i can't  think about this activity. This is very good idea. Maybe their life change from this action . They can advert attention to all people. Balloon boy's family just want tis because father and mother are troupe ten really want other people's attention . In my opinion this family didn't break the law because they want just attention why not they don't do it until now this  family have been with happy and healthy .  On the other hands this act is very wrong because  they spent some kind of profession people's work time example.. ( police, deliverer, doctor,journalist...etc).  So  they deserve any punishment..... 

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Language Development

12. Read th phrases and say which sense each one describes. Then, choose suitable phrases to fill in the description below.

 A  My holiday was perfect. From my balcony I saw crashing waves which lined the beach. I spent my days under the straw umbrellas, swimming in the blue sea and playing in the bright sun. The smell of suntan oil filled the air.

B  The forest was peaceful. There are green tree all around me. The only sounds I heard were the leaves rustling on the trees and birds chirping. The smell of wet soil filled the air.

13. Listen to the tape and tick the phrases that you hear. What can the man hear\see\smell?

1. honking horns HEAR 

2. loud music   HEAR

3. car exhaust fumes SMELL

4. a large car park SEE

5. tall skyscrapers SEE

6. salty air SMELL

7. the busy street below SEE

14. Look at the map and fill in the gaps with one of the prepositions from the list. 

1. The restaurant is over the square.

2. The car park is below the cinema. 

3. The school is opposite the library.

4. The hairdresser's is by the chemist's.

5. The chemist next to the hairdresser's.

6. The church is near the river.

7. There is a bridge crossing above the river.

15. Listen to the tape and fill in the gaps with the  words you hear. Then, read the dialogue and mark the route on the map starting from library. 

Tom : Excuse me , sir. Can you tell me the way to the post office, please?

Man: Yes, Well go straight on Loring  Road until you get to Park Avenue. Carry on and go straight on until you get to Cross Street .

Tom: Okay.

Man: Then past into Cross Street and take  the first turning on the left  supermarket which is on your left. Cross Mill Street and keep going. You'll see a hotel on one corner, and straight on the  hotel is a newsagent's. The post office is turn into the newsagent;s . You can't miss it.

Tom: Thanks very much. 

16. Look at the Grammar Reference Section on pp.103-104( the definite article). Then, read the following text and put a tick ( T)  for every  correct use of the and put a tick for every correct use of the and a cross( x)  for every incorrect use of it.

1. Yesterday was a busy day. I took Jenny  to the (X)

2. school, and then I went to the station to pick up my (T)

3. friend, Helen, who had just arrived from the Spain . We (X)

4. visited Tower Bridge and the Buckingham Palace. (T)

5. Helen hoped she could see the Queen. Then we ( X)

6. went to the Trafalgar Square and took lots of photos.( T)

7. We also visited the British Museum and Soho. (T)

17.Match the numbers to the letters,then, join the sentences as in the example. How are such/so used?

1. It was such a lively place that I went out every night

2. The Island was so peaceful that we felt completely relaxed

3. Te museum was so amazing that we spent a whole day there

4. It was a such a noisy hotel that I didn't sleep well.

5. The street were so crowded we missed the appointment.

18. Look at the different expressions you


1. Read this article from a school magazine and fill in each gap with an adjective ending -in,- ous, -ly, -ic, -y, -ful. They say what each paragraph about.

   The famous Black Forest and the picturesque town of Baden Baden are in southwestern Germany. I went there recently in search of a peaceful, relaxing holiday and I certainly wasn't disappointed. 

    The town is surrounded by marvelous scenery, clear lakes and tall mountains. The weather during my visit was so cool and misty that it created a wonderfully mysterious atmosphere.

   There are plenty of interesting places to visit was including the town's delightful 15th century  palace and the Roman baths. I also explored the shadeful Black Forest where all I could hear was the gentle sound of flowing streams. The food was excellent. I tried several tasty local dishes. I also bought some cuckoo clocks as souvenirs.

    I had the holiday of a lifetime in Baden Baden. With its friendly people, and fantastic natural surroundings, I would certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future. 

Paragraph 1: Where the place is and why you went there

Paragraph 2:  further details about the place/ weather conditions

Paragraph 3:  what you saw and what you did there

Paragraph 4: How you feel about the place and whether you recommend it or not.

20. Imagine you visited a place in your country which you really liked. Describe it using the paragraph plan below.

The famous mongolian lake Naimannuur which lake in the Ovorhangai aimag of Mongolia. I went there with my family just relax in my  summer holiday and sighseeing  picturesque nature.

 This lake surround forest and tall mountains very nice lake. Actually  It was raining when I take out car .  We had very adventure in there was raining until daybreak. We couldn't make tent because rains like a dogs and cats.

  That morning was really nice. Scenery is so wonderful then we adore nature's all fact it s so great. In the afternoon we swimming this lake it was grazy water is warm and comfortable . We spent really cool day

This day came by expense to me because i really like nature study. This is so cool lake I never see in my live. I would certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future.  


Thursday, October 8, 2009

UNIT 4 Traveller's Tale ( course book)

Lead in

1.Have you ever travelled abroad? Where did you go? What did you see there?

I have travelled abroad two time. I went to the Shanhai and Beiging. I saw lots of sightseeing. There were many nice design building every very so wonderfull and  city's organization is so great. Shanhai's one building very nice which name is TV Tower  very originally .....

Beijing's Creat wall was very wonderful which wall famous for in the world . There was very long ans so excited. I' m really like travelling... ^_^

3. Match two ting from the list to each place. Now listen to the tape and check your answers.

1.San Francisco- a. cable car           f. a famous bridge

2. Los Angeles - d. Disneyland people's houses

3. San Diego-      c. zoo                      h. watersports

4. Hawaii -          e. golden beaches  b. traditional dances


4. You are going to read an article  about a tour of west coast of USA. For questions 1 to 8, choose from the places mentioned in the tour ( A-D). The places maybe chosen more the once. There is an example at the beginning(0).

                          Pacific Paradise Tour

A.  San Francisco                                          C.  San Diego

B.  Los Angeles                                             D. Hawaii 

The city is built on hills.                           A 

There is famous theme park.                  B

It ir very close to another country.        D

The local food is delicious.                        C   D

Entertainers perform as you eat.           A   B

You can see the homes of famous people.B

You can see interesting creatures under the sea.D

Vocabulary Practice

5. Look at the words in bold in EX4 and try to explain them, then choose any three and make sentences.

west coast- west way land next to the sea

Pacific Ocean- very big ocean in the world

San Francisco- that city on the west coast of USA's 

northern- this is north site of the USA 

cable car- which car active with electricity

street actor- who act some show in the street 

shake hands- to take someone's right hand in your own

short drive- which way isn't far

palm trees- some hot country' tree

snorkeling- under the ocean trip

My aunt has very big fishing boat.

I have lot of dream one of them is I have see golden beaches

My friend saw snorkeling last holiday 

6.Match each word from column A with its opposite from column B.

A.                                                                       B

1. Beautiful                                                   a. dull 4

2. delicious                                                   b. ugly 1

3. fresh                                                         c. southern 6

4. exciting                                                    d. tasteless 2

5. dry                                                            e. wet        

6. northern                                                  f. stale 3

7. Fill in the correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.

    (cable, palm,steep,short, fishing, traditional, golden)

1. fishing boats

2. palm trees

3. traditional dances

4. cable cars

5. golden beaches

6. a short drive

7. steep roads

8. street actors

8. Replace the words in bold with others from the list.( clourful, perfect, delicious, gorgeous, tiny, delightful, huge, fantastic)

Last winter I went on skiing holiday to the Alps. We stayed in a tiny (small)  chalet which had a huge ( big) fireplace in every room. The weather was fantastic (good) so we were able to go skiing everyday. In the evenings we had dinner at delight ( nice) restaurants in the village. The food was really delicious (good) . There were some gorgeous (nice) shops so I bought a colourful ( nice) jumper. We stayed there for a week. We had a perfect ( good) time  

                  Words often Confused

9. Fill in the gaps with one of these words.( look-watch-see-take-bring)

1. Can you look that girl? She's hiding behind the tree.

2. I always watch my favourite TV programme on Saturday afternoons

3. See at the statue! It's gorgeous.

4. Can you bring me a glass of water, please? 

5. Take the books back to the library, please?

10. Fill in the correct particle(s)

                   Phrasal Verbs

1.A car almost ran over my dog.

2. The ball rolled down the hill and the children ran after.

3. While we were driving to Paris, the car ran out of petrol.

4. Guess what! I ran into Bill Garring yesterday.


11. Fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any three and make sentences.

1. in the west coast of the United States  2. in the Pacific Ocean 

3. famous for sth    4. on the tour  5. shake hands with sb

6. sit on golden beaches   7. get in a plane

1)She is very nice woman who sit on golden beaches 

2)Most best city New York in the east coast of the US

3)Asashiroyu famous for sumo wrestling who is champion all bashiyo

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Homework №8 UNIT 3 ( coursebook)

10. Identify the tenses in the bold, then match them with the correct tense description. How is each tense formed? When do we use each tense

1. Yesterday morning I went to St Stephen's cathedral. b

2.While I was taking pictures someone stole my bag.a

3. I have been exploring all the gorgeous sandy beaches in the area.d

4. We've been swimming at Nyali Beach almost everyday an we've got great tans.c

5. I've seen the incredible Minoan Palace.e

6. I think I've put on weight.f

a. longer past action interrupted by a shorter action.

b. action which happened in the past at a definite time

c. past action having visible results in the present

d. action which began in the past and still going on

e. statement of personal experiences or changes

f. recent action when the time is not mentioned

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

1.While she was having lunch someone stole her camera.

2.He is dirty.He has been repaired cars since morning.

3. He is sunburnt. He has been lying in the sun for hours.

4. While they were exploring a cave a shark.

5.While she was skiing she broke her leg.

6. She is tired.She has been working since morning.

12. Read the dialogue and fill in the correct tense, then  listen to the tape and check your answers. Now act out the dialogue.

A: Hi Sally! I didn't know you were here. When did you come?

B: Last friday

A: So you have been here for a week,right?

B: Yes, we're staying at the Paradise Hotel. When did you arriving?

A: Late yesterday evening. I'm staying guest-house by the sea. So, what was you doing?

B: Well, we was swimming every day. The beaches are so clean.

A: Have you seen the old temple yet.

B: Yes, we have going there oh Monday. It's really fascinating  Unfortunately, as we have exploring it jane sliping and twisting  her ankle.

A: Oh dear! Is she  better now?

B: Much better, thanks. Listen , have you  got any plans for tonight?

A: Not really.

B: Why don't you come with us to the beach party?  We have going to one a few days ago and it was great fun. They served delicious food and we dancing till the early hours.

A: That sounds great! Where shall I meet you.

13. Fill in the gaps with the correct adverb .Then say what tense they go with.

1. She left for her holiday in Spain a week ago

2. I have been going on holiday to Italy for years.

3. Have ever travelled by  Ferry before?

4. I've never been to a foreign country before.

5. She has been skiing since she was a child 

6. I don't want to go to Hawai again I 've already been there twice.

7. I haven't unpacked my suitcase yet so i can't go out

8. Dad was driving the sat while Mum was reading the map and giving directions

9. She was sunbathing when it started

10. I 've been to four different beaches so far

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Discussion Topic ******** 2012 Prophesy************

2012.12.21 (DOOMSDAY)

In my opinoin I don't want believe it because i relly trust future in my life . I don't wish this process... Maybe all international people scared it then most lightheaded thing in the world. Actually this wasn't unfroved for science. There are many prophesy in the world for example nostradomus, vanga....Then few prophesy came true. About american twotwin tower,some science research..etc .Mayan's civilziation star BC Before Christ 3113. Mayan's end Times Prophesy 2012.12.21 of calendar who leave write in wall of church. This write 130000 year then Mayan think it is very special action this year ... Mayan people believe sun god that date god go down from sun then start new era.... But this is sound like fiction. The EARTH have been alive more more age. Therefore always think nature and human concatenation.This is pertain only human who safe nature... Always think about problem best way ...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

UNIT-4 Traveller's Tales

1. Underline the odd word out. holiday: chalet,instructor,sun hat,ski lift
2.sightseeing holiday: gallery ,museum,tour guida,goggles
3.camping holiday: sleeping bag,torch,suit,tent holiday: captain,cabin,port,pilot
5.safari Holiday: fur coat,jeep,binoculars,insect repellent

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the list. Use the words only once.
/Busy, warm, suntan, car, loud, bright, honking, golden, straw, exhaust/

1. warm Sea    2. Bright Sun  3. Honking Horns  4. A(n) Busy street
5. straw Umbrellas 6. Golden Beaches 7. suntan Oil 8. Loud Music
9. exhaust Fumes 10. A (n) car park

3.Fill in the correct preposition(s).

1.Cape Canaveral is located on the east coast of Florida.
2.Many ancient artifacts have been discovered in the Mediterranean Sea.
3. Rio de Janeiro is famous for its carnival.
4. We’re going on a tour of the new school tomorrow.
5.Shaking hands with someone is a way of saying hello or goodbye.
6. I love lying on the beach in summer.
7.We got on the first plane to Hawaii and were there in ten hours.
8.Creece is in southern Europe.
9.My country house is by a river
10. The first time I took my son to the zoo he was very excited.

4.Underline the correct word.

1.The sandy beach was full of sunbathes.
2.The haunted house is the most popular sight at the funfair.
3.To be a good basketball player you have to be tall.
4.He gave her an expensive golden ring.
5.The man still alive when the ambulance reached the hospital.

5.Read the text and underline the expressions which describe the use of senses.

We could hear the loud voices of the vendors even before we stepped out of the hot bright sunshine into the indoor market. Once we were inside we could see that they had carefully arranged their colorful fruit and vegetables in large round baskets on the floor. The smoky smells of the city seemed to have disappeared and instead in the delicious aroma of herbs and spices.

6.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Past simple or Present perfect.

a) Have you been  to Blackpool recently?
-Yes. It  has changed  a lot since the last time I  was  there.

b) –I  visited  several different countries so far this year.
-Really! I  haven’t been abroad since last summer. Where Have you gone ?
c) –Did you see  the Eiffel Tower while you were in Paris?
-Yes, I did  
d) – I  sent you postcard last week. Haven’t you received  it yet?
-No, but I got  one from James on Monday morning.

7. Fill in the where necessary.

1. I’ve invited the Smiths to dinner this evening.
2. I’m scared of travelling by the plane.
3. We went shopping at the Harrods while we were in London.
4.Don’t turn the TV on; I’ve got a headache.
5.It is dangerous to go through the Central Park at night.
6.It gets very hot here in the afternoon.
7.There are special hostels for the homeless in …London.
8.I found…French very difficult to learn when I was young.
9. The Archaeological Museum is closed on Mondays.
10. I’m not going to the school today. Mum; I’m ill.

8.Fill in “the” where necessary.

Dear Marianne.
I started secondary school a month ago. The first week was exciting. I met a lot of other students and went to the School dance which was held by. The Student Committee to welcome  the new students. Then I caught measles and had to stay in for weeks.
Lately, I have been spending the most of my time at  the home or in  the Library as I’m studying for my exams. I’ve history exam on the middle Ages. History is the most difficult subject-I just can’t remember dates.
I can’t wait for the Easter. We’ll be visiting Portugal for 2 weeks.
See you soon. Take care.

9.Choose the correct item.

1. Peter is very rich… tree limousines.
a.owns owning c.has owned

2.Peter…a shower when phone rang.
a. had b. has had c.was having

3.My brother is ….late for work; he can’t wake up the mornings.
a.rarely b.always c.occasionally

4. Aren’t you ready…? I’ve been waiting for you for twenty minutes!
a. already b. since c.yet

5.Carl…. his homework; so he can play with his friends.
a. was finishing b. has finished c. finishes.

6. My husband …. a special dinner tonight for our anniversary.
a. is cooking b. was cooking c. cooks

7. Fred ….the guitar since he was 6 years old.
a. plays b.has been playing c. played

8. My mother,… first name is Pat, is an English teacher at my school.
a. whose b.who c. which

9.I… an hour ago and I’m still waiting for my friend.
a. was arriving b. have arrived c. arrived

10. The house ….is on the corner belongs to my uncle.
a.who b. whom c. which

10. Fill in since or for.

1. I’ve had this jacket for 5 years.
2.I haven’t eaten snails since our holiday in Crete.
3.Have you seen Robert since his party?
4.Ken hasn’t written to me for ages
5.I haven’t ridden a horse since 1984
6.Greg has lived here for 10 months.

11. Fill in gaps with so, such, or such a(n)

1.The kitten is such a small that fits in the palm of my hand.
2.He has such strong muscles that he can lift the front of a car.
3. The book was so difficult that she couldn’t understand it.
4.It was such a tall tree that the children couldn’t climb it.
5.The film she watched last night was so scary that she couldn’t sleep afterwards.
6.It was such a hot day that we went to the beach.
7.The box was so heavy that I dropped it on the floor.
8. She was having such awful time at the party that she decided to go home.
9. They’re playing the music so loudly that I can’t hear a word you’re saying.
10.There were so many people at the reception that we couldn’t find a place to sit.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Homework №6

13. Join the sentences using who which or whose.

1. Mr Brown is a friendly person who likes meeting new people.
2. She lives in a big house which is near the park.
3. Steven is lawyer whose office is in Baker Street.
4. Claire is a model who has been many fashion shows.
5. Sarah is wearing a nice dress which is fits to her perfectly

14. Underline the correct word.

1. That’s the man who’s Sally’s friend
2. That’s the man whose son is my friend.
3. That’s the man who’s an Alsatian dog
4. That’s the man whose dog keeps barking at night.

15. Write sentences as in the example.

A porter is someone who carries suitcase.
A vacuum cleaner is machine which cleans carpets
A shark is a fish who live in the ocean
A builderman is someone who build house .
A nurse is someone who help doctor.
A washer is a machine which wash the clothes.
A waiter is someone who serve to customer.
A camera is something which takes photo.

18. Fill in each gap with only one word.

Naomi Campbell, the famous model is very tall and perfect figure. She has a dark complexion & beautiful brown eyes. Her straight black hair falls past her shoulders. When she is not working, she usually wears casual clothes. Naomi likes reading and often goes to the theatre. Travelling is what she likes too much.She always travels abroad when she has free time. Naomi spends lot of time in the gym and she doesn’t eat fattening food. She believes that working hard is the only way to succeed in life.

20. Fill in the correct derivatives of the words in bold. What is each paragraph about?

Brad Pitt is one of Hollywood’s brightest stars. He is very successful actor who has starred in many films, such as Interview with the Vampire & 12 Monkeys. He is tall and slim. His beautiful blue eyes and good looks are difficult to forget. Brad Pitt is a humorous person; his friends enjoy his company. He is a sensible person who does not lead a glamorous life. When he has free time, he enjoys reading about architecture, a subject that he finds very interesting. He is also enjoys listening to music and has a huge CD collection. Brad Pitt is a talented as well as a handsome young actor. We’re sure to see a lot more of him in the future!

First paragraph is about Brad Pitt’s job and his movies.
Second paragraph is about his appearance.
Third paragraph is about his character.
Fourth is about his hobbies.
Final paragraph is about Brad Pitt’s talent.

22. Imagine you are a reporter. Look at the paragraph plan below, then write an article describing Harrison Ford. You may use the information given in EX21

Harrisan Ford is Hollywood experienced actor. He is very talented who has starred in many famous films. One of them is Star wars, Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark...

He is very handsome man. He has brown nice hair and very nice eye. He has atractive nice strong body. He always wear casual clothes and this clothes really suit him.

He actor very decisive and determined people when he actor lot of film. Actually he is very kind person and always patient for every thing in her own life.

He is enjoy doing soft tense and arrow in her freetime. He doesn't enjoy doing play basketball and football.

Harrison Ford don't forgetfuul actor in the word because her actored film really nice character is very good jobe. He is very talented actor I am respect to himself

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Discussion Answer

62~year old Elton John Wanting do adopt a Ukranian boy

In my opinion it is't wrong. If he really want this why he can't do this . Age is no problem because he can give love her child. He have one reason because he interesing man and he have husband. Then he wanting do adopt a boy. This is very good idea. Every family want baby because he can bring happenies and many things. I hope he can together his husband like being good parents. Eventually i realy wish when he grow up he don't follow parent's wrong habit. I hope he like girl

What are your beliefs?

I belief many thing. One of them is I belief future's myselfe because i really want change mongolian society. Second I belief religion name is budda. Budda is really big religion in the word always Asian people belief that. Third I realy believe one ting There are more good people there are bad people. And i belief horoscope because this is very interesting science ...etc

Monday, September 14, 2009

UNIT 2 In the Public Eye


1.Look at the pictures above. Who is famous for:

a) Losing a battle?
Napoleon Bonaparte is famous for losing a battle.

b) Painting pictures?
Paul Gauguin is famous for painting pictures.

c) Wining tennis matces?
Bjorn Borg is famous for tennis matches.

d) Starring in films?
Eddie Murphy is famous for starring in films.

e) playing the violin?
Niccollo Paganini is famous for palaying violin.

2. Can you think of any other famous people? What are they famous for?

a) Libron James famous for playing bascetball

b) Tsantsannorov famous for elegisting music

c) Macheal jakson famous for singing song

d) Angelina Joleo famous for acting film

3. Guess whether the following statements about Daryl Hannah are true or false. Then listen the tape and find out if your answer were correct

1. Daryl likes wearing expensive clothes . F

2. She is shy. T

3. She likes going to Hollywood parties. F

4. She believes in true love. T

5. She doesn't want to live in the city.F

6. She cares about the environment. T

4. You are going to read an article about te actress Daryl Hannah. For questions 1-5 choose te best answer,A,B,C or D

Daryl Hannah

1. In her everyday life. Daryl Hannah

A. is successful and selfish

B. enjoys big parties.

C. never goes to parties.

D. feels uncomfortable in large groups of people.

2. One of Daryl’s outstanding characterizes is that she.

A. is always asking her friends for help.

B. is willing to help others.

C. doesn’t pay attention to her friends.

D. get others into trouble.

3. In her free time Daryl enjoys

A. doing creative activities.

B. being with simple people.

C. resting in her garden.

D. writing music.

4.Daryl wants to build her own home because she

A. cannot find one she likes.

B. cares about the environment.

C. wants people to know her views.

D. dislike old house.

5. The whole article tells us that Daryl Hannah

A. is only happy she isn’t working.

B. likes being a film star

C. does not have a strong opinions.

D. is not typical Hollywood actress.

5.Read the article again and answer the questions.

a) In which film has Daryl Hannah acted?
She has acted Splash.

b) What does she have strong feelings about?
She has strong views on the environment.

c) What sort of clothes does she prefer to wear?
She prefers to wear casual clothes.

d) What are her views on life?
Daryl has very strong views on life-as she says “Find out what is important to you-and don’t be afraid to live it.”

Vocabulary Practice

6. Look at te words in bold on p 10 and try to wexplain them,then choose any threes and make sentences

mermaid~mythical creature that is half fish and half woman

slender~attractively thin and graceful

rermain~to stay or be left beind after others have gone

show off~ to try to get other people's attention and admiration

complicated~very difficult to understand or deal with

crowds~ to gather together and in large numbers

sincere~ real true or honest

caring~ providing care

pottery~ object made out of bakes clay

creative~produsing new and original ideas and tings

My big sister very slender and beatifull who was a model

My father realy like pottery because he colect anything

Mongolian presedent Elbegdorj really like show off

7. Match the numbers to the letters.

1. slender~ slim

2. overcome~get over



5. curently~now

6.find out~show

8. Fill in correct word from the list below. Use the words only once.

1. COLDEN sand 2. To FALL in love,

3. In the PUBLIC eye 4. TRUE love

5. NATURAL beauty 6. To sit in the SHADOWS

7.STRONG views 8. To SPEAK her mind

9. Fill in correct prepositions, then choose any 3 and make sentences.

1. to star IN a film 2. To look fantastic IN expensive clothes.

3. to believe IN 4.IN the countryside,

5. To be close TO 6.To have a strong views on life.

10. Fill in correct particle.

1. I don’t remember her phone number let me look it up.

2. Julie looks after our children while we’re at work.

3. Jane is really looking forward to her sister’s wedding.

4. Helen is looking for a new house.

11. Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

1. Switzerland is popular with skiers.

2. Carl Lewis is famous for winning 4 gold medals in the 1988 Olympic Games.

3. I expect to get a letter from John tomorrow.

4. Please wait for me; I am almost ready.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

UNIT 1 Read my lips

1.Read the text and underline the correct adjective as in the example

1) caring 2) decisive 3) active 4) outgoing 5) determined 6) ambitious 7)stubborn 8) bossy

2.Re write the sentences

1) John is a boy with curly haired boy
John is a curly haired boy.

2) Lily was wearing shoes with high heels
Lily was wearing high heeled shoes

3) The baby with blue eyes looks like her mother
The blue eyed baby looks like her mother

4) Susan wears glasses with metal frames
Susan wears metal farmed glasses

5) Mr Timms is a man with one leg
Mr Timms is a one leged man
3. Match the words to their opposites.

1) generous~ mean
2) cheerful~sad
3) outgoing~reserved
4) friendly~ unfriendly
5 ) quite~talkative
6) polite~rude

4. Fill in the correct word from the list. Use the words only once.

1) wavy hair 6) a pretty woman
2) hooked nose 7) earfy height
3) full lips 8) .......... eyebrows
4 ) green eyes 9) busty teens
5) a handsome man 10) an oval face

5. Link the sentences using the words in brackets.

1) She is friendly but she can be rude at times
2) Our grandmother is caring and patient as well.
3) Shella is decisive however, she can be arrogant at times
4 ) Sue is self-confident on the other hand , she tends to be disorganised
5) Mike is selfish and aggressive

6. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense, Present Simple or Present Continuous
1.Her new perfume smell like spring flowers.
2.Peter is seeing his girlfriend tonight.
3. Have you seen Mary's new haircut? It looks great
4. Did you put sugar in thee coffee? It is tasting great]
5. You haven't said a word. What is thinking about?
6. My mother is listening to her favourite radio pragramme right now
7.My brother don't enjoy going to the cinema.
8. Do you know what time the concert starts?
9. She speaks French but she come from Spain.
10. The greengrocer is weighing the grapes now.
11. I feel depressed every time I hear that song
12. Why do you tasting the tomato sauce?

7. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense,Present simple or Present Continuous.

1. A. Can I help you,sir?

B. Yes , please. I am looking for a birthday presernt for my wife.

A. I see. What kind of tings se is like.

B.Oh , she enjoy reading books on interior decorating and she love listening to latin music.

A.How about this book then? It have been over a hundred pages of different ways to decorate your home and losts of pictures, too

B.I don't knowiing about that.Is there anything else you could show me?

A. Well, sir. I believe this set of CD's with Latin bands is an excellent coice. Your wife will enjoy it very much

B. How much is it?

A. Okay, then. I just hope she won't play te music too loud because I am hate Latin music!!!

2. Dear Mum and Dad.

I have a wonderful time ere with Grandpa. The weather is lovely and warm and Grandpa's new house looks fantastic. Grandpa is buildind new fence araund the garden at the moment. That are all for now as we go fishing in a minute.

8. Read the text about Janet.Then ask ans answer questions about the text using words from the lists below.

1) How old is Janet? She is in her late thirties

2) How often does shy fly? She fleis from Toronto to London and back every week

3) What is she? She is a pilpot

4) When is she getting for take -off? Maybe at te momenr she is gertting ready for take-off

5) Where is she work? she work Canadian Airline company

9. Fill in te gaps with the opposites of the words in brackets.

1. Johny can't make decisions easily; he is indecisive ( DECISIVE)

2. The salesman was extremely unhelpful ( HELPFUL)

3. Don't blieave what he says; he is dishonest ( HONEST)

4. You can't depend on im to help with your work; he is totally unresponsible(RESPONSIBLE)

5. John's last statement did not make any sense. I thought it was completely inlogical( LOGICAL)

6. Although he is fifty yeas old, he still behaves like a child.Everyone agrees that he is unmature (MATURE)



expected- Mongolian goverment expected problem of Ivanoe Mines

pave- Now traffic jam get very much because central road pave activity

copper- Mongolian important Mining curse's one of them is copper

province- Parliament's province is just deal with law

approve- Macro Economic's best algorithm is goverment approve litle company

profit- If you get hardworking you will have lots of profit

expression- When you be happy your face expression to smile

confidence- Everybody get confidence their future live

amendment- Nationality law amendment on1996 year

investor- Any biznes need investor people

initial- Mongolian initial president is Ochirbat

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

home work

responsible- 1. Mongolian president is very responsible person because he lead mongolian all people 2. I think paralament's each person have to get responsible men

3.My brother very responsible when he still nine years old

Decisive- 1. Mongolian history have many decisive knight

2. Every women intresting decisive men.

3. Some competition always need decive person because they need good idea

Bossy- 1. Some bossy people everyhow you need which things then get temselves

2. Always bossy people go their live's wrong way


Energetic-1. Everybody real like energitic people because whenever need working....

2. when work with energitic people to follow get energitic

Careful-1. Always he is carefull because onetime he lost him important thing

2. She is always careful when she do something...

3. when you choice your live You must be careful

Thursday, September 3, 2009